If you read my post about "The D Word" you'll know that I resigned from my job back in September. It took me almost five months to secure new gig and I learned some things about the job searching process along the way.
1. It truly is like having a second job
Staying on top of all the job posting sites takes a lot of work. I'd work a ten hour day, then come home and spend another two hours searching an applying for jobs. It can be a lot.
2. Don't get discouraged
There are thousands of jobs out there and probably tens of thousands of candidates. You can't let yourself get hung up on not hearing back from a job or having a bad interview because if it's meant to be it will be. Being frustrated or discouraged during the process doesn't put you in the right mindset to find the right job for you.
3. Diversify
Don't just look for things on Monster or Linkedin. Many professional associations have job posting sites that are incredibly useful. Indeed, Simplyhired are great for general postings but go one step further and search on industry specific job boards like HCareers for hospitality or HigherEd for jobs in the higher education field.
4. Let people know you're looking
Networking is a really great way to open yourself up to the right job being sent your way. If you are in the right position at your current role and you can let others know you're looking, you should. Sometimes one of your connections will be the one to send you the job posting that works out. That's exactly how I landed my first HR job.
5. Don't take things personally
Believe in yourself because you will most likely face a lot of rejection during this process. If you don't get an interview or if you don't hear back after an interview, understand that there is a lot that goes into an employer making a hiring decision and you can't take that decision personally.
I think above all, stay positive and don't give up! You will find the right job at the right time!
Do you have any job hunting tips to share?
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