Thursday, April 28, 2016

First Impressions

I was having conversations with someone the other day and we were talking about my first impression of him when I first joined the company. On my first day, I was walking with my colleague, and from afar she goes, "That's Derek, from IT, he's weird." As I walked past him I said hello is the most upbeat tone I could and I got nothing in return.

I get it, not everyone is having the best day, every day, but my first thought was that I will never call him if I have an IT problem, and I didn't. Until I got to know him better.

When we were talking it through, he explained that he was having the worst day and that he didn't care what his first impression was.

To me, first impressions are SO CRITICAL to the relationships you form.

If you're starting a new job, going for an interview, first date, whatever it may be, you have ONE change to make a good impression.

What does this even mean?

This means putting on your best pair of underwear.

This means wearing shoes you can actually walk in.

This means smiling like you just got laid.

It's not about being something that you're not, but it's about understanding that you can't take these moments back.



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